So it is 2024 and it time to talk about last year...
Commissions from Butterfly Conservation Highland branch.
Small Blue with kidney vetch. Argent and Sable with birch.
Ethmia pyrausta on alpine meadow-rue. Pearl-bordered Fritillary with violet.
Mountain Ringlet with mat grass (with mountain in the background).
I made these for Butterfly Recorders' meeting.
Small Copper on Common Sorrel, Wood White on Meadow vetchling, and Chalk Hill Blue with Horseshoe vetch.
Commission from Butterfly Conservation Scotland.
Marsh Fritillary on Devil's bits scabious.
Some sketches of special buildings for special Post Graduate students in Cambridge.
Purple Emperor with an egg and a caterpillar, hiding somewhere!
Duke of Burgundy on Cowslip, and Holly Blue on Ivy. I am quite pleased with the hint of blue on Holly Blue
From left to right:
Northern Arches, Scottish Annulet, and Yellow ringed carpet (with Saxifrage aizoides).
Barrett's Marbled Coronet, Bordered Gothic and the Grey
Burren Green and Irish Annulet.
White Prominent.
All rocks and birch bark were made by me.
Prickly Juniper Pug (highly magnified!).
A nut weevil (highly magnified too!).
Limited edition Monarch earrings.
I say limited edition, because it was so time consuming and fiddly to make, and I don't know when I will be making them again!
And finally...a miniature dog!